Birthday Wishes!


Leslie Hagel and her daughter Grace were introduced to Youth Homes when an 18th birthday gift request of a personal safe, clipper card, and balloon came their way. Touched by the simplicity of the ask, Leslie and Grace headed to the Lamorinda Families Facebook group and posted about Youth Homes and the ongoing needs of our youth. What happened next was an incredibly generous and kind-hearted community response. The group came together to create a calendar of birthday donors who would be on call to fulfill celebratory requests for youth in our care.


“The community responded in the most heartwarming way,” Leslie says, “there is a strong sentiment that all of us are helping all of us, and such an outpouring of love.” Leslie’s daughter Grace, her friend Lulu, and mom Jill helped to wrap the gifts, adding sweet touches like candies, ribbons, and bows. They also supplied birthday party decorations for birthday celebrations in the home.

Leslie recounts an encounter with the Manager at Party City in Pleasant Hill: “The birthday girl asked for a “Wishful Mermaid” themed birthday party set but it was not in stock when I explained to the manager how important it was to fulfill the request, the manager located the supplies at another location and sent them to my house! The coincidence of the “Wishful Mermaid” was not lost on me,” laughs Leslie. 

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March turned out to be a quiet month for birthdays in the homes; the calendar was full of eager donors, so Leslie reached out to find out how else they might help. Christal Black, the house supervisor at Pryor, asked if the group could provide a pair of new shoes for each youth. The “Shoe Crew” was created, and Leslie coordinated the purchase of fifteen pairs of shoes, from Nikes and Vans to Timberlands, for fifteen very happy feet!

Since the first birthday gifts for our ‘wishful mermaid, the group has delivered all sorts of wonderful presents, including a punching bag, skateboard, wigs, AirPods, and museum tickets!

Thank you, Leslie, Grace, Lulu, and Jill! Thank you to the birthday crew and the “shoe crew” for creating connections through love and joy for our youth. We are grateful for your generosity and look forward to strengthening our partnership and opening new doors for healing our youth.

Would you like to support our young people by volunteering? Contact Community Outreach Manager Danielle John to learn more!

Izza Wei-Haas

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