Making a Difference Together

Picture this - A counselor and resident are battling out an intense game of foosball. Two kids are on the couch singing into a karaoke machine. Another two youths are having an energetic game of Pop Shot with counselors, while two other staff look on, cheering loudly. All around there is laughing, jostling; a “Game On” light is blinking in the background.

This moment of joy, this time to be a regular kid, in what felt like a regular home, would not be possible if not for our incredible community of donors, volunteers, and partners who made magic happen at East Bay Shelter this December.

“The community came together in such a powerful and tangible way. When you break down the numbers, it’s mind boggling. Over 166 brand new items were bought, including a new dining room set, six new beds, box springs and mattresses, twelve rugs, matching dressers and nightstands, a Thomasville sectional couch, pop shot, karaoke machine and a foosball table to name just a few!” say Danielle, Community Outreach and Engagement Manager and one of the the driving forces behind the makeover.

Youth Homes is honored to have reignited our partnership with Grateful Gatherings. With the expert guidance of founder Chris Flitter, the diligent and organized support of volunteer Stephanie Adalman, the generosity of 25 donors, one local company, and the goodwill of 30 volunteers, East Bay Shelter was transformed into a beautiful home in time for the holiday season.

“It means everything to us”, said Jana Coral, Senior VP of Clinical Services and Programs at Youth Homes. “For some youth, it will be the first time that they will experience what it is to live in a clean, healthy, caring environment. There are so many teaching opportunities for them. Not just around the new stuff, but how you take care of it, respecting our surroundings and respecting yourself.”

One month on from the makeover, staff and youth are still enjoying their new space, while staff at Youth Homes are working on their next big project at Cherry Lane. To learn more about how you can help, or if you have home decor and supplies, please don’t hesitate to contact


Empowering Youth to Meet Goals


Meet Youth Homes’ New CEO, Tim Byrd