The young people who come into the care of Youth Homes often have no idea about the incredible support community they’re joining – but they quickly find out. Whether it’s back-to-school shoes and supplies, holiday gifts, or anything in between, our dedicated crew always provides and reminds our clients how supported they truly are. 

On November 1st, Youth Homes launched our Community Cares fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $100,000 to sustain our critical services and programs. Additionally, we’ll be using a portion of your gifts to purchase a new car to provide safe, reliable transportation for our clients.  

Our community has come together selflessly to support our youth through some incredible fundraisers, and your involvement makes a direct impact. Check them out here!

Thank you to our generous partners:

Community Cares is all about the ways YOU constantly show up and advocate for our youth. Thank you for believing in the young people we serve!


They Put the “Home” in “Youth Homes”